If you are busy or simply don’t have a solid 30-40 minutes to put into working out training by numbers is the perfect solution. The rules are simple: you just need to get the numbers in by the end of the day.
There are several methods to work out this way but all of them start with a list. Write down a list of exercises with a challenging number of reps next to each, the number you want to do by the time the day is over. Don’t write too few, after all you are spreading the load so it’s greater numbers you are after here, but don’t write unrealistic numbers either.
It doesn’t matter if you write it on a piece of paper or if it’s a digital list, as long as you are reminded about it every now and then. You don’t want to forget about it and then end up with a whole list still undone by the end of the day – it defeats its purpose. If you use an app see if you can set up an hourly reminder so you can see if you can get some of the numbers in – it’ll also help you stay active throughout the day if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Examples of what your list can contain: mountain climbers, squats, push ups, pull ups, jumping lunges & forward lunges, burpees, high knees (running in place), push-ups, leg raises, crunches & sit ups.
So, for example your list can look like this:
Forward lunges: 200
Crunches: 200
Push-ups: 50
If you have home equipment like weights of a sandbag or something you can use in the office, add that in as well.
Now, if you want to add a level of difficulty to it, set a number of reps for each. So your list will look like this, for example:
100 Forward lunges: 20 20 20 20 20
200 Crunches: 50 50 50 50
50 Push-ups: 10 10 10 10 10
It also makes it easier to cross things out, when you do a set.
So, you can either do one at a time or you can or do it in sets. For example, just do 20 squats and cross them out, then after a while move on to the next number. Or do one set of each: 20 squats, 20 lunges, 50 crunches and 10 push-ups. Cross them out.
It’s easy to maintain since all you do is cross things out but you end up with a lot more exercise done by the day’s end than you would otherwise because of a busy schedule. Then, you also get used to daily exercise and eventually it becomes a habit, you do more and want to do more each day. Start small and see where it takes you. With training by numbers you will end up doing thousands of squats and crunches every week and it all counts.