
30 sec
60 sec
2 min

DAREBEE Workout: What it Works
Grinder is a non-stop action full-body High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that will get you into the sweat zone within the first three minutes and keep you there until the very end. There are no breaks here. Your body's always in motion and your rest is active (which means you just keep on moving). All you need then is a little time, a little willpower and a tiny bit of space to make it all happen in.   
Extra Credit: extra round - 15 seconds each.

Instructions: Repeat each exercise for the given amount of time for each round with a 30 second jog on the spot (or a jog in a circle for open areas) after each until the round is complete (8 exercises in total). Once you complete a round repeat it again with the new given time for each exercise. There is no rest between exercises or between rounds - you never stop moving until the workout is complete.

Adjust difficulty:
Level I: warmup + 1 round
Level II: warmup  + 2 rounds
Level III: warmup + 3 rounds
Bonus round can only be unlocked & claimed after reaching Level III (after all 3 rounds).
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