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DAREBEE Workout: What it Works
Nothing defies the pull of Earth's powerful gravity well than the Rocking It workout that's designed to help your lower body get strong enough to make your body feel lighter. The large muscle groups engaged by this workout make demands on your cardiovascular and aerobic systems and challenge the way you move. If you want to feel in complete control of your body, this will help, especially with EC. 
Extra Credit: 1 minute rest between sets. 
Life is often a series of limits which we experience. We then need to decide whether we accept them or have to work hard to overcome them. Our body also experiences limitations. When we decide to improve who we are we decide to become a better version of ourselves; one that has overcome the limits it experienced and is now heading towards fresh boundaries and new challenges. We change outside when we change inside. We live in two worlds, on either side of our skin. We need to be present in both in order to feel alive. 
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