Program by DAREBEE

Spellbound is a fantasy fitness adventure 31-Chapters long and it is suitable for all fitness levels and all ages. Each workout is a Spell you charge up and then cast during your quests as you progress. The program includes an optional Probability Factor (dice) you can choose to add to make things more interesting.

You don’t have to complete each Chapter in one go, you can take your time. For more detailed explanation read The Instructions.


Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 1: Bound

You are passing by an old bookshop when you hear whispers coming from the inside. You go in but there is no one there. You walk through the stacks toward the voices until you reach the back of the shop and stop in front of a bookshelf with only one book in it. The book seems to glow. You reach for it and the moment you touch it, the world around you shifts and you suddenly find yourself inside a dark cave. The book you were reaching for falls on the ground in front of you and opens on a page titled "Silent Step Spell" and instructions to follow.

At the same moment you realize that you are not alone here. Someone is loudly snoring somewhere nearby. A magic spell allowing you to sneak past something potentially deadly sounds like a good idea right about now. You look over the instructions, take a deep breath and go for it.

Charge & Cast “Silent Step Spell” to move forward. 

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 2: The Lair

Once you perform the requirement for the spell, you see the page glow and feel the power emanating from it, like it's been charged up. You touch the page and suddenly you no longer make any noise as you move. You go towards the sounds of snoring and sure enough there is a large scaly dragon sleeping next to the exit. In your newly acquired silent mode you easily walk past and exit the cave. In a few minutes, the spell wears off but you already made it far enough to be reasonably safe. You sit down and inspect the book that, you are fairly certain, got you into this trouble.

You look at the title and to your surprise it has your name on it. You read the introduction on page one.

"All in the world is energy. It cannot be created and it cannot be destroyed. It can be channeled, stored and manipulated. Harness the energy and the energy will serve you. Limited time only, warranty does not apply. Each spell comes with a recipe. Each spell can be reused but each has to be refilled after each use. These are the rules of magic. The wielder of this book is bound to it as the book is bound to its wielder."

So, spells can be stored. You quickly look through the book and find attack spells. A lightning bolt spell sounds like something that might come in handy until you figure out where you are and what to do next.

Charge “Lightning Bolt Spell” before you move forward.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 3: Through the Woods

It's getting dark now and the only path away from here is through the woods. You can hear wolf howls in the distance now, too. You have to take your chances because staying here and facing the dragon is certain death. You quickly page through the book and find two spells that can help you get through the forest in one piece. If one fails, you can use the second one to stay alive.

Charge “Sure Step”.
Charge “Increased Speed”.

If wolves manage to get too close, you will be able to run. Fast.

Cast “Sure Step”.

Roll for Probability

If probability is 5 or less, your spell has failed. Cast "Increased Speed" only if the first spell fails.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 4: The Road Ahead

You run through the forest dodging wolves all night until you finally come out and hit a road. You follow it and eventually you see a sign "Crow Nest Town 10 Miles". Before you head towards it, you look through the book and find a spell that should help you with the locals once you arrive there.

Charge "Persuasion Spell”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 5: Welcome to Reshar

You now have two spells stored in your arsenal. The spells you used up have gone dim in the book but you know you can recharge them if and when you need to.

You head towards the town. As you walk a wagon goes past. An old man controlling it sees you and pauses. He looks you over and offers you a ride. You notice two giggling children at the back and accept. The old man is chatty, he tells you his name is Ash and he is taking his grandchildren to the fair in a nearby town. You tell him you are a traveler and you don't know much about this place. He is happy to tell you about this land.

You are currently in the kingdom of Reshar. It's ruled by king Raal who is rumored to be a dark sorcerer. Ash cautions you to keep away from the king's guard at all costs and to not attract attention to yourself. Anyone ever taken by the guard has never been seen again.

Time passes and not too soon you see riders up ahead. Two men dressed in black their faces covered are heading straight for you. Ash goes pale as they ride towards the wagon. They look directly at you and reach for their swords.

Your self preservation instinct kicks in and you reach for the "Persuasion" spell.

Cast “Persuasion Spell”.

You tell them that you are not who they are looking for and to move along. To the old man's shock, they do just that. The two men silently sheath their swords and ride past.

You continue in silence after that. You part with Ash just outside town but instead of heading straight for the town you decide to wait until it's dark and page through the book just in case you need to leg it from here, fast. You look through attack and defense spells and pick a couple for future use.

Charge at least one defense spell and one attack spell.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 6: Crow Nest

You arrive at Crow Nest. Except the town's gates are shut. You can call out and ask for entrance or...

Charge & Cast "Ethereal Spell" and walk through the gates.

The town has been decorated for a festival but there is no one around. 

As you go further in, you see a crowd gathered. A King's Guard soldier stands on a raised platform and reads from a scroll. It's a royal order of execution for the members of Printers. Two men and a woman are lined up behind the executioner's block, bound and on their knees. As the soldier in charge continues to read a list of crimes you realize that the woman is trying to escape and has almost gotten out of her bindings. There is no way for her to get away even if she gets free. Whatever is happening here, it's not right. The crowd seems subdued and sorrowful and the crimes of the three are nothing more than printing books. Books are apparently banned in this land. You make a decision to intervene and cause a distraction.

Cast “Lightning Bolt Spell” and send it towards the skies.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 7: The Ruins

All hell breaks loose. The soldiers immediately lock on you and head your way. This allows the woman time to free herself and her friends. You start running. Just as you are about to get run through with a sword a familiar wagon appears and you jump in. Ash also picks up the Printers as he rides hell for leather. He must have sabotaged the guards' horses because no one is chasing you as you leave town.

You eventually stop and get out of the wagon. There are ruins all around you but the place is far from abandoned. There are people, adults and kids of all ages running around. It's their safe haven, you realize.

The woman who was nearly executed calls for help. One of the two men who were with her is badly injured but they can't find the healer.

Ash nods your way announcing to everyone that you can help since you are the new Champion. You are about to protest but then you check the book and find a healing spell.

Charge & Cast “Healing Spell Level I” to help the man.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 8: The Dream Visit

That evening you are introduced to the Printers. People who rebel against the rule of the tyrant King and defy his decree. They print books and distribute them amongst the population. They especially print for children so they can learn to read and write.

The woman you helped save comes to thank you. Her name is Mara and it turns out Ash is her father. They all live here and you are welcome to stay. You are too tired to do much else so at the very least you decide to get some sleep.

A breathtakingly beautiful woman dressed all in white comes to you in a dream. Light is radiating from her and everywhere she steps flowers begin to bloom. She speaks to you and her voice echoes in your mind: "Seek the Druid, chosen one".

When you wake up the next day you immediately turn to the book. Finally, you will be getting some answers. You just need to locate one special Druid.

Charge & Cast “Tracking Spell”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 9: New Friends

The spell shows you a dark castle and a tall tower. That's where the Druid must be so that's where you are going. You let your new friends know you will not be staying after all. You need to see a man about a book.

The third man from the executioner's block, whose name you now know is Logan, offers to go with you. The roads are not safe to travel but you can go through the swamp to cut right across. The only problem is that it also happens to be a Hydra's nest. If you are willing to brave it, he can be your guide.

After looking through the book you find a couple of spells that might see you safely through.

Charge “Shield Spell”.
Charge an attack spell, just in case things go south.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 10: The Hydra

The Hydra didn't do anything to you and you are essentially trespassing but if you have to, you will defend yourself and Logan.

At first it's an easy journey but the moment you hit the halfway mark, a massive hydra rises from the swamp's deeper waters. It's big enough to swallow you whole.

Cast “Shield Spell”.

Roll for Probability

Cast an attack spell, if the first spell fails.

You make it across but Logan is hurt. You will need that healing spell again to mend his leg.

Charge & Cast “Healing Spell Level I”.

The wound on the men's leg closes in front of your eyes. It will never not be amazing to see. As you get up, though, someone grabs you from behind. You look at Logan but he doesn't look surprised. He averts his eyes and tells you he is truly sorry. The next thing you know you are knocked out.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 11: Dungeon

You wake up in a dungeon. Classy. Your bag with belongings is in the corner. You are surprised to see it under the circumstances but when you check it, all it contains is the darn book. It truly is bound to you it seems.

Well, you did want to try it out the moment you saw it in the book. There is no time like the present.

Charge & Cast “Super Strength Spell”.

Break the bars to escape.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 12: Shadow Walker

Further reconnaissance shows that although the dungeon was empty, safe for you, the rest of the stronghold is filled with men from the king's guard. They just don't know who they are dealing with.

Charge & Cast “Invisibility Spell”.

The moment you cast the spell, you go full transparent. You can now easily walk past the soldiers and be on your way.

As you walk past a room, you pause to listen in on a conversation. Two guards are interrogating Logan who is tied up to a chair. He looks badly beaten and one of his eyes is swollen shut. He keeps begging the men to let his sister go and saying that he told them everything he knows.

One of the soldiers hits him in the face and the other one promises to cut down all of Logan's friends, when they raid the Printers camp tonight.

When they leave the room with Logan unconscious you walk in and cut his restraints. Hopefully this will be enough. You understand why he betrayed you but you can't risk him doing it again.

And you have other people to save.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 13: Champion

You don't have a lot of time once you leave the stronghold. You find a safe enough place a good distance away and once again consult with the book.

Charge two attack spells.

It takes longer to get to the Free Printer's camp and by the time you arrive, the fight, or more accurately, the slaughter has already began. You see Ashe's little grandson is in the way of a rider about to strike him down and you do not hesitate.

Cast an attack spell.

You hear an ear piercing scream and see another guard going towards a woman standing in the doorway of a building.

Cast another attack spell.

Roll for Probability

If it fails, cast a different attack spell.

As you come closer you recognize Mara. She falls on her knees and begins to weep. Men and women surround you whispering "Champion" and "Savior". The threat is over, your display must have made the rest of the soldiers retreat. Then Mara tells the gathered crowd that the king's guard destroyed the printing machine. They will have to abandon their camp and they won't even be able to print books anymore.

Perhaps there is one more thing you can do for these people before you resume your quest…

Charge & Cast “Restoration Spell” on the printing press.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 14: Champion of All Folk

The Printers were incredibly grateful and they tried to get you to come with them to their new camp. When they realized you were determined to seek out the Druid, Mara hugged you and gave you a pack with supplies to help you on your way. She also gave you a cloak with a hood saying your clothes make you stand out too much.

It's been hours since you said your goodbyes. You are staying away from the roads and just skirt the woods.

You can't shake off the feeling that someone is following you. You can't see anyone but after a while you can hear whispers. And then, bright lights surround you. Bright lights with faces.

The little creatures tell you they are sprites and they've been looking for you, the Champion, everywhere. They desperately need your help. Their queen has been cursed by king Raal. He was furious she tried to help you by appearing in your dreams so he turned her to stone. They pray you can help her.

You check the book and find a Cursebreaker spell. You may just be able to, you tell them.

Charge “Cursebreaker Spell” and then follow the sprites.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 15: Cursebreaker

The sprites take you to their leader, the Queen of the Sprites. She stands in the middle of the forest, green vines wrapping her arms and torso. You recognize her as the lady from your dream even through all of her is pure white marble.

Cast “Cursebreaker Spell”.

The marble cracks, breaks and turns to dust. A beautiful unearthly creature with skin too perfect to be human smiles at you.

"Champion of the little folk. Champion of all" she says "the book chose wisely". The sprites cheer and, as the forest opens up in front of the queen, you see a hidden village. She tells you that you are now a friend of the sprites and you are welcome amongst them. There is a feast in your honor that night. You drink grape juice and sing songs by the fire with the little folk. For a moment you forget all your troubles and just enjoy it all. The strange but wonderful land, the adventure and the magic…

Except when you go to sleep later that night, the moment you close your eyes a man appears in your dream. He seems to be searching for something or someone, you guess, when he meets your eyes and smiles. It's a cruel and menacing smile and it makes your skin crawl. You wake up covered in cold sweat as the sun begins to rise.

Charge & Cast “Cloaking Spell”.

Your mind is not a halfway house for random dudes to barge in.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 16: Ashes

You leave the sprites and continue on your journey. Several hours in, it begins to snow. Then you realize that it's not actually snow but ashes covering the ground. You see smoke in the distance and start walking towards it in case someone there needs help. Very soon you come across the smoking ruins of a house. It's been burnt to a crisp.

There is a little girl near it sitting on the ground, her face covered in tears and soot. You sit down next to her and ask about what happened. You could have guessed of course but you had to know. She lost her parents in the fire. The guard came when someone reported they had books in the house. They had a whole library in the cellar in fact. Her mom told her to run and she did. Now she is all alone. She says she has grandparents living nearby but she is too afraid to go by herself. You tell her you can take her and she will be safe.

You notice she is struggling for breath and you worry that her lungs might have been damaged by the smoke.

Charge & Cast “Healing Spell Level II”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 17 Rosewater

Before you take off you reason that the girl won't be able to travel far on foot so you will have to carry her at least part of the way.

Charge & Cast “Endurance Spell”.

It's not an easy journey but eventually both of you arrive at Rosewater and find the girl's grandparents. They are grateful to you for saving the child. The old lady hugs you and tells you to be careful since the king's guard is in town. You thank her and leave.

This is an opportunity. You go to the town's inn and find a seat in a dark corner. You make sure the hood of the cloak hides your face. Not long after a group of dark guards walk in and take a table not far from yours. You listen in on their conversations and you learn that they will be transporting the Druid tomorrow and they'll take the road just outside Rosewater. You have to try to free him.

It looks like tomorrow, you are pulling off a heist, with a captive as the prize.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 18: The Heist

The next day you prepare. You will need to be able to get close enough to free the Druid.

Charge “Invisibility Spell”.
Charge "Silent Step Spell".

You wait for the guards to leave the inn and you follow them. Eventually they reach others and a cart with a cage built in. There is someone inside. The first opportunity you get you walk close.

Cast “Invisibility Spell”

Roll for Probability

Use Silent Step Spell if the first one fails.

Sneak closer to the bars. One of the guards has the key strapped to his belt. You carefully remove it and open the lock. You then whisper to the man inside that it's OK, you came here to save him. To which he responds that they were hoping you would. Then everything goes black.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 19: Mousetrap

You wake up in the same cage the Druid used to be, in chains and with a massive headache. How you don't sport a concussion yet with all the hits on the head you took is beyond you. The cart is moving now. A rider next to you notices you are awake and smirks. It is the Druid, or perhaps not, as the man is now dressed in a guard's uniform. He tells you that "you all always fall for it, those of you who make it this far anyway" . "A few carts scattered around the kingdom, a few loud discussions in inns and a day or so and the mouse is in the trap" . He also tells you not to bother casting as the cage is spelled against it.

You say nothing. The book is still on you, they didn't bother taking it away, so you find a lightning bolt spell and charge it up.

Charge “Lightning Storm Spell”.

He said nothing about storing.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 20: Planning for the Future

Another day passes and you begin to despair. Casting inside the cage doesn't work indeed. You tried just in case. For the most part the guards just leave you alone. When you break for the night again you decide to Charge a high potency healing spell. The way this is going you will need it.

Charge “Healing Spell Level III”.

Just as you are done with the spell you hear a lock turn. A woman with pointy ears opens the cage door and tells you to come with her, if you want to live.

You do.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 21: Kora

The elf's name is Kora. She placed a sleeping spell on the guards that allowed you and her to walk past them and away. You follow Kora to her horse and climb up behind her. As you ride she tells you she is the Druid's daughter and she's been looking for you ever since she heard a new champion appeared.

The last few didn't last a day but now people have hope again. There are pamphlets circulating all over the land with your face on them inspiring people to rise up. You suspect you know who is responsible for getting your face out there. She takes you to the resistance camp where you meet the rest of her group. She explains that her father is the keeper of magic in this land. He's been a prisoner of the king for over 300 years now. The people of the land have been denied knowledge of magic so it's been slowly disappearing. All books are forbidden because the king is not taking any chances.

Each year magic seeks out a hero to fight on behalf of the land and the people and you are its latest champion. It calls to you and then it binds you to the path. The only way to be released from it is to see the journey through. The Druid is the only one who can remove the spell.

Kora also tells you they are planning an assault on the castle and with you they have a good chance of getting to the tower where her father is held. You have access to the strongest magic through your connection to the source and the binding to the book.

Before you can go with Kora and the resistance soldiers you have to have stored at least three attack spells and two defense spells. Have the spells before you can proceed.

Charge three attack spells, unless already stored.
Charge two defense spells, unless already stored.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 22: Rescue Mission

You go the next night. Your part of the mission is to draw attention to yourself and engage the castle guard. You have the most recognizable face in the kingdom now so that should not be a problem. In the meantime Kora and a few others will scale the tower wall and rescue the Druid. You approach the gates of the castle and start casting.

Cast a spell to get soldiers' attention.
Cast a defense spell to hold the approaching forces.
Cast another defense spell.
Cast an attack spell.

Roll for Probability

Cast a different attack spell if the first attack spell fails.
Cast another attack spell.

Retreat to draw soldiers away from the castle. Once you reach safety, you set to wait for Kora and, hopefully, her father. In the meantime you check your inventory and Charge a time stop spell. It only lasts a few seconds but sometimes a few seconds is all you need.

Charge “Time Stop Spell”.

Night falls but eventually you see a group coming through the woods. Kora and someone else are carrying a bleeding Druid. He looks deadly pale and you can't tell if he is still alive.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 23: The Druid

Cast “Healing Spell Level III”.

Right away the Druid's color returns to normal. He raises his head and looks at you. "Finally" , he says, "what took you so long?".

After the Druid spends some time with his daughter and gets briefed on what the resistance has been up to, he comes to sit next to you. You ask him if you can be unbound from the book and go home. To which he responds with a shake of his head. The only way to get back home is for you to complete the quest. Then the magic holding you here will let go.

Just as you are about to ask more, an out of breath scout bursts into the clearing. The king is furious, he gathered all of his troops and they are marching as a wave towards this location. You don't have a lot of time and there is nowhere to run - a steep mountain is at your back.

After some deliberation Kora comes up with a plan. You will be casting a group super strength spell. You will be parting the mountain so you can all escape.

Charge “Super Strength Spell”.
Cast “Super Strength Spell” as a group.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 24: The Dome

The mountain parts and all of you go through. You keep moving but the soldiers at your back do not relent. Some of the older members begin to slow down. You begin to see that soon you won't be able to run anymore and the people look at you like you know what you are doing. You will have to face the king and probably sooner than later.

You ask the Druid if you have a chance facing the king now. And the answer he gives you is no. The king is a powerful sorcerer. Although he can be killed his magic is too powerful to get close. You need an invincibility spell but you can only cast it if you have 20 dragon scales. They create an armor around you and for 20 seconds you become impervious to all magical attacks. You happen to know where you can find a dragon.

This gives you an idea. You check with the Druid and it is indeed possible.

Charge “Dome Spell”.
Cast “Dome Spell” over the resistance army, as a group.

You generate a force field and hunker down. The Druid believes it will last at least a day. It might just be enough for you to get the dragon scales and come back. Kora volunteers to go with you and you accept.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 25: An Ice Breaker

As you are making your way to the cave you originally found yourself in, Kora asks how you are planning on getting the scales. You ask what spells can possibly work against a dragon and she responds "Ice".

Or you could try persuading the dragon. As a magical creature he or she is probably on board with defeating the king.

Charge “Deep Frost Spell”.
Charge “Persuasion Spell”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 26: Here Be Dragons

You get to the cave and enter it alone. Kora stays behind in case things go south. The moment you step in a massive angry dragon appears in front of you. You have moments to decide which spell to use to get the scales.

Cast “Persuasion Spell”.

Roll for Probability

Cast “Deep Frost Spell” if “Persuasion Spell” fails.

Either way, you are getting those scales.

You step out of the cave, holding up the scales, and see someone holding a knife to Kora's throat. They are not soldiers but the situation is not any less dangerous. These are bandits and the one with the knife tells you to throw the scales towards him. If you cast he might just cut Kora's throat so you obey and throw the scales down. His buddy picks them up and after retreating away, they let her go and mount the horses.

You try casting but they get too far away too quickly. You think fast.

Charge & Cast “Tracking Spell”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 27: Robbers

Charge “Silent Step Spell”, unless already stored.
Charge an attack spell, unless already stored.

You track down the robbers in no time. They don't expect for you to follow and without the spell you wouldn't be able to track them. They cross the river several times to hide their tracks. It seems they do this type of thing a lot. They stop to camp and that's your chance.

Cast “Silent Step Spell”.

Roll for Probability

Cast an attack spell if the first spell fails.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 28: Inventory

You get back to the dome and already from a distance you see it failing. Kora goes ahead while you run inventory. You can't rush in with no spells because that's how you get killed before you get to face the king. Before you proceed you must have in your inventory:

Healing Spell Level I”.
Two defense spells.
Three attack spells.
"Dragon Armor Spell" .

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 29: Rise of the Champion

You step into what is now a battlefield. You can see the sprites have joined the fight.

Cast two defense spells to help your side.
Cast an attack spell against the king's soldiers.

Roll for Probability

Cast another attack spell, if the first attack spell fails.

You see Kora take a sword to the shoulder.

Cast “Healing Spell Level I”.

The battle is a mess. To get a clearer picture of what's happening you get to higher ground. Sure enough it's what you feared, the resistance soldiers are exhausted and they are losing the fight. It's not their numbers, it's their spirit. You turn to your spells once again and you find what you are looking for.

Charge & Cast “Morale Boost Spell”.

As the tide begins to turn you look to the other side. There, on a black stallion is a rider wearing a black crown. Your eyes lock. This is your chance.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 30: Fall of the King

You charge across the field dodging attacks. As you get closer to the king you realize there is a circle of fire that surrounds him. No wonder he feels invincible, it's several meters deep. There is no way anyone can get through without roasting alive. Well, almost no one.

As you get close enough to feel the burn you Cast “Dragon Armor Spell” and run through. Ten seconds in and the smirk vanishes off the king's face and he is about to attack when you Cast “Time Stop Spell” and, right after you exit the fire ring, also Cast an attack spell landing the killing blow. The king falls. Yet his soldiers driven by their bloodlust do not stop. You need a spell to get their attention.

Charge & Cast “Peacemaker Spell”.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Chapter 31: Home

You return to the castle with Kora and the Druid. The fight is over. The king is dead. The quest has been completed. There is much to do in the kingdom, a lot to restore and rebuild.

You go up the tower and together with the Druid you enter the quarters where he was previously kept captive. It's a simple study with a living space but what draws your attention is a golden door with thorns all across it.

The Druid tells you that this is the royal library. It's been cursed for 300 years but you as the champion can break it. This is your way home.

Charge & Cast “Cursebreaker Spell”.

The door opens and you hear familiar whispers. You've heard them before. You turn to the Druid and ask him what now. "It's up to you," he says "Step through and make a choice. Stay and rule or choose to return to your world".

You close your eyes and step through the door.

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
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  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
  • 1
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  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE
  • 1
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  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


30 sec
60 sec
2 min
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells

Spellbound - 30-Day Fantasy Fitness Adventure by DAREBEE


Welcome to Spellbound, a Fantasy Fitness Adventure. To move forward in the story you will need to Charge & Cast spells. You will find instructions for each spell in your Spell Book.

The story contains 31 Chapters but you don’t have to complete each chapter in one go, you can take your time.


Each spell can be charged, used up and then charged again. It cannot be charged multiple times without being used up first. You can charge up as many spells as you want at any time. To move forward in the story you will require specific spells and sometimes you will be able to choose a spell from a category: attack spells and defense spells. Which spells you choose to fight and defend yourself and others with, in that case, is up to you.

Not all spells are equal. Some have higher potency than others.

Note: Some spells may require additional conditions to be met. Like “Dragon Armor Spell”, for example, which requires you to have 20 dragon scales in your possession before you can cast it.


You can choose to go through the program with a Probability Factor or you can choose to ignore it. To play with probability, roll the dice provided (your own set or use one of the tools online) and see whether your spell has succeeded or failed.

Rolling 5 in total or less means your spell has failed and is now used up. A different spell must be used instead.

Charge and cast spells, roll for probability and see this adventure through!

Spell Book

Skill Boost Spells